Digital Identity

Accelerator program for Microsoft partners, covering the full spectrum of Cloud services, including Azure and 365 apps.

Accelerator Guide

Comprehensive overview of this accelerator, covering the market opportunity, solution components and partner business models.

Partner Accelerators | Digital Identity

Partner Accelerators bring together channel combinations that enable new, high value market-ready solutions.

Enabling the Future of Work

The accelerator reflects the completeness of the Microsoft portfolio, aligning to an overall theme of enabling digital transformation for the smallest to the largest of organizations.

Market Research

The accelerator will launch a dedicated marketing portal, showcasing vendors and publishing an ongoing series of thought leadership articles and hosting VIP webinars.

Solution Roadmap

Guided selling resources to enable sales teams to prospect, pitch and close deals. Marketing assets to drive lead flow, including web site content, buyer personas and case studies.

Marketing Campaign

A forward planning product strategy, to incorporate and act on feedback from sales teams and prospective customers, and develop a compelling and superior market offering.

Join Partner Accelerator

Private team workspace for partners to meet and collaborate, with e-learning courseware for sales team enablement.

Industry Insights

Growth market, product strategy and selling insights explaining the revenue opportunity for partners.

AT&T had reached a point where the complexity of its IT environment was hampering its ability to respond quickly to new customer needs and market opportunities.

Microsoft offers a co-selling program and marketplace platform to maximize sales success for their partners.
Exploring the VDI Partner model options ranging from simple reselling of DaaS providers, through full MSP platform deployment scenarios for delivering service directly.

MSP Business Builder

Revenue Growth Strategies for Managed Service Providers

The accelerator forms one component part of our overall MSP Business Builder program.
As the name suggests the goal is to provide resources and support that helps MSPs grow their revenues and business.
The overall theme is ‘Growing a Hyperscale Managed Service Provider’ – Enable MSPs to massively grow their business by tapping into and aligning services that harness the exponential scaling of Cloud computing.
The program provides an ongoing schedule of thought leadership webinars and podcasts, and a library of e-learning and business plan templates.


Make meaningful connections with a unified solution for meetings, team chat, whiteboard, phone, and more.
Neat is a leading provider of innovative devices specifically designed for popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
A comprehensive guide explaining how you can utilize Microsoft Teams for your telephony as well as your collaboration requirements.

Join an existing Accelerator or sponsor a new one.

Accelerator Campaign Services

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