Security Best Practices for
the Ai Digital Economy
Channel Enablement and Solution Marketing for Cyber Security Service Providers
in the Era of Cloud Ai
In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes.
With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, organizations are turning to cybersecurity solutions to protect their sensitive data and systems.
This has created a significant market opportunity for startup ventures and channel partners who specialize in cybersecurity services and products, and this accelerator enables expansion in this sector.

Market Roadmap Report
Download our market research and product roadmap report, which details:

Product and Revenue Strategy
Market research and sales frontline insights that define the key buyer trends and product segments for channel partners to address.

MSP Business Builders
Blueprints for scaling managed security service businesses, through automating the operations

Join this Partner Community
Online social workspace for members to meet and collaborate, with regular webinars to showcase channel programs.
Connect with new partners from around the world.
Accelerator Guide
Accelerators aggregate multiple vendor programs to develop new high value solutions and execute a Go To Market strategy to drive sales.

Partner & Product Showcase
A catalogue of vendor offerings to enable partners to expand into this market, mapped to product segment opportunity analysis and strategy.

Marketing Campaigns
Digital marketing campaigns to drive new lead generation opportunities for participating partners, via micro-sites, expert blogs and webinars.

Download Solution Guide and browse Partner Services.