Blockchain Builders

Channel Strategy and Solutions for
the Web 3.0 Digital Economy

Channel Strategy and Solutions for the Web 3.0 Digital Economy

The Blockchain offers a platform to digitize the entirety of a nation’s economic infrastructure, presenting a myriad of channel solution and startup venture opportunities.
From application development through managed infrastructure, there is a wide spectrum of market segment opportunities. The market is expected to reach a value of $39.7 billion by 2025.

Market Strategy

The global cybersecurity market is projected to grow from $193.73 billion in 2024 to $562.72 billion by 2032. It spans a complex spectrum of technologies, best practices and use case requirements.

The global cybersecurity market is projected to grow from $193.73 billion in 2024 to $562.72 billion by 2032.

Metaverse Commerce

a future where digital ownership is democratized and accessible to everyone. The metaverse has the potential to redefine the way we perceive and interact with digital assets, allowing for true ownership and value creation. digital assets like virtual currencies, in-game items, and digital art.

Digital Payments

xx including NFT Marketplaces, Open Banking Platforms, and xyz.

The UK Government is accelerating startup innovation.

Technology Roadmap

Accelerators research current and future demand for that sector, and develop a shared Product Innovation Roadmap to meet that demand, producing high value IP for members.

This incorporates and acts on feedback from sales teams and prospective customers, to develop a compelling and superior market offering.

National Roadmaps

Countries including the UK, Scotland, Australia and India have developed National Blockchain Roadmaps. These will be aggregated into a single Roadmap.

Solution Innovation

xx including NFT Marketplaces, Open Banking Platforms, and xyz.Solutions developed in response to well defined market opportunities, organized around vertical industry requirements for sectors such as Telecommunications, Government and Banking.

Industry Insights

Growth market, product strategy and selling insights explaining the revenue opportunity for partners.
Blockchain ecosystems are typically decentralized, meaning that no single entity has control over the entire network.
MetaMinds CEO Sandra Helou joins Zilliqa Group CEO Matt Dyer and Co-Founder Max Kantelia to discuss MetaMinds and its new approach to growth in a live AMA session.
By combining the decentralized nature of Web3 with the intelligence of AI, entrepreneurs and businesses can create new revenue streams and tap into untapped markets.

Community Webinars

Our community provides a digital workspace for partners to meet, collaborate and launch new market solutions together.


Hosted within our online partner community webinars provide events where you can connect and collaborate with peers before, during and after each session.

Exciting Partner Webinar You Don't Want to Miss!

Join the team from Channel Partner where they will showcase the latest innovations they are launching for their enterprise solutions portfolio.

Exciting Partner Webinar You Don't Want to Miss!

Join the team from Channel Partner where they will showcase the latest innovations they are launching for their enterprise solutions portfolio.

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